The Environmental Impacts of Buying and Consuming Mislabeled Seafood

The most commonly traded food commodity in the world is seafood. Sadly, in the past 10 years, there has been an increase in reports wherein seafood mislabeling. Nevertheless, the impact of this in the environments still has to be researched further.
Kailin Kroetz, a researcher from Arizona State University, and her team studied the effects of mislabeled seafood on the effectiveness of fishery management, ecosystems and habitats in the US, and marine creatures’ health. This study was released in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Kroetz’s team discovered that around 190,000 to 250,000 tons of …

The Effect of COVID-19 on the Decline of Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Since the COVID-19 virus puts everyone in danger all over the world, it was discovered that there was a drop in carbon dioxide emissions in the first half of 2020. The decrease was bigger compared to World War II, the oil crisis in 1979, and the financial crisis in 2008.
A global team of scientists discovered that during the first half of 2020, there was 8.8% less amount of carbon dioxide emissions compared to the emissions at the same time in 2019. In total, there was a drop of 1,551 million tonnes.
However, this discovery does not provide a specific analysis of the effect of COVID-10 on the consumption of energy globally. …

More Powerful and Efficient Solar Cells Made Possible Through New Formulation

Researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan came up with different molecular and polymer semiconductors utilized as photo-absorbers to make solar cells that could generate electricity better and have more efficient power.
OPV or photovoltaics are what these newly blended solar cells are called. These could produce electricity when the light comes in contact with the photo-absorbers.
The comparison between the amount of electricity generated and the amount of light that comes in contact with the cell is the determining factor of a solar cell’s efficiency.
This is called photo harvest, which means the number of …

Advancements in New Hybrid Energy Systems Could Be Ideal For Shifting Into Clean Energy

Last week, Joule published a paper saying that the future of new hybrid systems could be ideal in transitioning into clean energy use.
According to the researchers from the 3 applied energy laboratories, namely the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the National Energy Technology Laboratory, and Idaho National Laboratory from the Department of Energy in the US wrote a paper about the possible integration of these systems.
They mention that new ideas can influence the simultaneous use of different energy generators, including fossil, nuclear, and renewable, by capturing carbon. As a result, heat, mobility, power, and other …

Microplastic in the Wind Causes Pollution

Because plastic found in the ocean does not chemically break down, it breaks up into small pieces. As a result, microplastics are formed and have become an alarming environmental issue. Weizmann Institute of Science discovered this from their recent study about the problem with microplastics.
Microplastics are particles that have sizes smaller than 5 mm across. They are moved into the atmosphere and brought to various parts of the ocean because of the wind. Studies show that even the smallest pieces can be suspended in the air for hours or days. Therefore, these pieces can harm the environment by disrupting the food chain and …

Measures for Climate Change Are Included in Coronavirus Relief Deal

President Donald Trump signed the coronavirus relief deal covering the legislation to have funds included for regulating greenhouse gases that affect the climate and technologies for clean, clean energy. This action made everyone hopeful for the climate goals of President-elect Joe Biden.
This bill is included in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which also covers the coronavirus relief deal allowing $35 billion to be spent on wind, solar, and other clean energy sources in the next 5 years.
Moreover, it also has new policies to phase out hydrofluorocarbon, which is a coolant that causes global warming and is found in air …

Reaching Climate and Sustainability Goals through Renewables

Because of the increasing pressure on the issue of climate change, developing renewable energy has become urgent. A recent study serves as a guide in joining the goals of conserving and sustaining ecology and low-carbon targets.
The journal. Frontiers in Sustainability from the University of California, Davis, and John Hopkins University published this study. The goal is to assist decision-makers in preventing an unwanted environmental outcome from developing renewable energy.
According to Sarah Jordaan, one of the leading authors of the study and an assistant professor at John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced …